Meni Zapri

Virology For Developing Countries…and Virus Fanatics

It has become clear that there are several permitted narratives when it comes to COVID-19 or any alleged “viral” illnesses. However, all of these narratives come back to the “virus” and the concept of contagion. The ‘no virus‘ arguments remain completely suppressed.

In order to sustain the virus fraud, there needs to be universal acceptance of the virologists’ pseudoscientific methodologies. Let’s take a look at a 2017 WHO document that “anticipated” the need for all of the world to establish virology labs.

And why do some health freedom leaders continue to support the WHO sponsored anti-science of virology?


  1. The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity, Dr Mark Bailey & Dr John Bevan-Smith, 2021
  2. WHO Director-General’s remarks at the media briefing on 2019-nCoV on 11 February 2020”, WHO
  3. Unscientific Human Experiments”, Dr Sam Bailey, 2021
  4. Bioweapons BS”, Dr Sam Bailey, 2022
  5. Category: Ebola”, Mike Stone, ViroLIEgy
  6. Virus Mania, 3rd English edition, 2021
  7. Use of cell culture in virology for developing countries in the South-East Asia Region”, WHO, 2017 
  8. International Health Regulations”, WHO, 2005
  9. The Lazy Lies of Roger Watson”, Dr Mark Bailey, 2022
  10. Toxicology vs Virology – Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud”, Dr Sam Bailey, 2022
  11. A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition), Dr Mark Bailey, 2022